Haifeng Electronics Factory, Dongfeng Town, Zhongshan City, the company entered the electro-acoustic manufacturing industry in 1999. After more than ten years of development, it has formed the capacity of simultaneous production in Jiangsu and Guangdong. The product range involves buzzer and capacitor station. Extreme microphone, buzzer, and speaker. Among them, the buzzer products include electromagnetic DC complete sets, electromagnetic AC complete sets, piezoelectric DC series, piezoelectric communication systems, and patch systems. Products are widely used in home appliances, lighting, medical, communications, security, scientific research, chemical, defense, and other fields.

S&S Маҳсулоти пешрафта


Мо ҳамкории шуморо бо маҳсулот ва хидматҳои Chipsmall қадр мекунем. Фикри шумо барои мо муҳим аст! Лутфан лаҳзае ҷудо кунед, то шакли зерро пур кунед. Фикру мулоҳизаҳои пурарзиши шумо кафолат медиҳад, ки мо пайваста хидмати истисноии сазовори шуморо пешкаш мекунем. Ташаккур ба шумо барои қисми саёҳати мо ба сӯи аъло буданатон.